Touch and fingerprint scanning have become essential at protecting our digital identities. Before the technology, entering a passcode was the only alternative to secure your smartphone. Fingerprint scanning has been available to laptops for years. However, the technology had quirks.
Customers demand more stringent security for their digital devices. Apple and other large tech companies stepped in to solve the situation. Fingerprint scanning is now a standard component for every smartphone sold today, except the iPhone. The start of the technology was awkward. Finally, fingerprint ID was located in the most logical place, the home button.
The security of the Touch ID is irrefutable. Incorporate Touch ID into your daily life and you wonder why there were passwords in the first place. From biometric facial scanning to fingerprint ID, there is a security level to match every smartphone user’s personal preference.
Following Apple’s lead, every other smartphone operating system has enhanced their biometric security features. None are quite at the level of Apple’s Touch ID or biometric facial scanning. Customers are demanding better security.
Securing Your Smartphone and Apps with a Fingerprint
The obvious use of a fingerprint ID is to keep others from accessing your phone. However, what if several people need access to that phone? There are plenty of valid scenarios where more than one user needs to access a single phone. Both Apple and Android anticipated this need, with both operating systems allowing multiple fingerprints.
Two outstanding password managers, 1Password and LastPass both allow the use of biometric security. Downloading apps is a breeze when you set up Touch Id for the iPhone and fingerprint scanning for your Android device. Keeping your documents and notes safe can be a headache. Again, securing your digital life can be just as important as a secure car or home.
The need to place a physical signature on paper documents is becoming less and less critical. A secure digital world is evolving. Millions of people and their companies are now trusting electronic signatures. SignEasy and DocuSign are two of the best electronic signature applications, and both have integrated fingerprint scanning.
Alternative Uses for Touch ID and Fingerprint Scanning
Keeping your smartphone secure with a fingerprint is not the only thing the home button does. The obvious choice is buying merchandise from your favorite online store or brick and mortar. Place your finger on the home button make your purchase, and you have less money in the bank. With Apple’s Touch ID, a fingerprint can make purchases from iTunes, App Store and iBook Store. Amazon has integrated Touch ID into its app. You can make purchases, save searches and verify your identity when logging on.
Here are some great apps for Touch ID. After a night on the town, a fingerprint scanner can be used to detect your blood alcohol level. The Blood Alcohol Content Analyzer tells you how long to wait before getting behind the wheel of a car. Use Touch ID and turn your iPhone into a scanner. Use Touch ID to protect your Evernote, Mint Personal Money Management and a burgeoning array of credit cards.
Touch ID uses the same technology as their Facial ID scanning. The original copy of your fingerprint is stored in a secure enclave within the hardware itself. Each time you press the home button, Touch ID improves its biometric characteristics. When your fingerprint changes over time, the system recognizes those changes and stores the new copy.