The Development of Virtual Reality and Travel

Everyone has that moment where they want nothing more than to be elsewhere. Whether it is a specific place, such as a state, country or local business, there are times when you wish nothing more than to be there. Some may ask, “Why not just take a trip?” And the reason one can’t “just take a trip” is because life gets in the way. The struggle of finding flights, hotels, and especially the cost is the reason most people are reluctant to travel. Now with Virtual Reality and Travel, a more non-expensive way of visiting anywhere you want is possible.

Now with Virtual Reality and Travel, a more non-expensive way of visiting anywhere you want is possible.

When virtual reality was a newer system in 2009 it was being studied by undergraduates at a University in Massachusetts. What inspired them was the process of choosing a University to attend. They did not like the idea of choosing a college just based off of research and some pictures. Also, the pictures did not fully show everything on the campus and what surrounded the University. They decided that Virtual Reality would be the tool to give future students a larger insight on the college and some of the city. Their final creation was a website called YouVisit. This website allows one to access almost any college in any location and see it through virtual reality. It is like a 360 degree video. From these three undergraduates creation, the technology of Virtual Reality has expanded immensely. Virtual Reality has gone from showing college campuses to showing entire cities and artifacts such as New York City and museums in foreign countries.

Who uses Virtual Reality?

It is now known that Virtual Reality is used for seeing college campuses and overheads of places around the world, but believe it or not, it is being used for even more. Businesses are always looking for ways to get ahead. The North Face clothing line has used Virtual Reality to set them at a technological advantage. The North Face relies on the durability of their clothing to be successful. They have a lot of clothing for outdoor activities and for cooler weather. When it comes to these two categories, nobody wants their product they purchased to be flimsy. Through a picture, one can’t truly see how durable the clothing is. Therefore, The North Face began using Virtual Reality to show people wearing their clothing while doing numerous things, such as climbing mountains. This is an extremely smart idea, and is also beneficial towards their business. Other places of businesses also use Virtual Reality. For example, hotels use this system. They are able to show prospective residents a clearer and more realistic picture of what they can expect when residing at their hotels. This is really good for your business because if you can show that your hotel has features others might not have, customers would be more likely to choose your establishment simply because they do not have to “take their chances” of what your hotel will or will not include. Conclusively, virtual reality is a jump in videography and beneficial to providers and consumers.

OpenID: Forget all of Those Passwords

Sometimes it can be annoying to have to remember several different passwords to the numerous websites that you visit frequently. Due to this reason, that is why OpenID exists.

Sometimes it can be annoying to have to remember several different passwords to the numerous websites that you visit frequently. Due to this reason, that is why OpenID exists

What is OpenID?

OpenID gives users the ability to access multiple websites with only one password. Users have the option to calibrate information with their OpenID that they will allow communicating with certain websites. Thus, eliminating the need to use a different password each time you log in to a different website.

This doesn’t mean that those websites you frequent are no longer password protected. OpenID simply allows the website to confirm your identity to the website that is being accessed. It’s sort of like the fingerprint scanner on your iPhone that allows you to unlock it without using your passcode.

In order to log in with an OpenID, the user must obtain an OpenID identity. Identities are granted through OpenID providers, which are in abundance. Once you receive an OpenID identity, it will be in a URL format, which looks like this, or like this:

How do you use it?

Once the user has created an OpenID identity with their provider of choice, they will be prompted to sign into the provider’s web page with their OpenID. At which point, the user has the freedom to grant their most frequently visited websites access to their OpenID in order to confirm their sign on identity. Thus, removing the need to input their password each time they log into their favorite websites.

Where did OpenID come from?

OpenID came about around the middle of 2005. It was developed by an open source community whose sole goal was to correct a problem that was unable to be easily rectified by the pre-existing forms of identity technologies. Since it was created within an open source, OpenID is not owned by any particular person, organization, or company.

Practically anyone has the ability to either be a user of an OpenID or become an OpenID provider. The best part about this is that it’s absolutely free to do so, and the user will not be subjected to pending approval by any organization or company.

OpenID may not be for everyone, but it is an option that is available to heavily active internet users who access multiple websites each day. There is also a representative for OpenID known as the OpenID Foundation. This foundation offers a legal presence for the open source model while also providing the community with infrastructure and promotional aids to further expand the adoption of OpenID.

GNU – General Public Licence

The GNU is one of many licenses that is used in the software world to ensure that software programming may be distributed and protected correctly. Someone who is working in the open source world will benefit quite a lot from the GNU because of the way that is uses its rights. This is a copyleft license that will ensure the user can distribute only under the original license terms. Someone who is working under the GNU will not be exploited by software companies because their work can only be distributed in the same manner as the original program. This is much safer for many different people who are working on the fringes of the industry, and there are companies such as the Linux kernel that are doing quite well under this license because it is much safer for them over the course of the years to be free to distribute as their original programming was.

The GNU is one of many licenses that is used in the software world to ensure that software programming may be distributed and protected correctly.

Any Later Version

There is an Any Later Version clause in this license that ensures that someone who is developing their software may have it apply to any later version of the same program. Someone who needs to be protected because of the development of multiple versions will use the GNU because they know that it is much safer than trying to get a new license every time something comes up. There are many people who get turned around because they are talked into business deals after their first license, and they could be exploited easily. The Any Later Version clause will ensure that all these companies are treated properly long after they have come out with their first version of their software. They are hoping to operate free of big companies, and they depend on this license to safeguard them and their intellectual property.

The Free Software Community Grows

The free software community has been using the GNU for some time, and they have had a hand in ensuring that the license is updated. It was updated last in 2007 to ensure that software companies could not exploit people using the patents of products against their owners. These companies had to be stopped from using the software that was created without servicing later versions. The changes that were made to the GNU ensured that all large software companies had to honor the free software developers who created these programs, and they were forced to allow these companies to upgrade as many times as they wanted. There was no money in it for large software companies, but the GNU allows these two communities to co-exist as the free developers are protected so that they may do their work without the fear of profits overriding their good judgement and decency.

What is Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 simply expresses an industrial revolution. When thinking about it, that is truly, what has slowly been happening and is continuing as the years pass. These developments are of various sorts. Those being bots, self-driving cars, drones, 3D technology, sensors, virtual reality and much more. To prepare for all of these advancements, they need to find a way to deal with humongous loads of data coming in from various channels. The key to industrializing America furthermore is to have quick tech savvy machines.

Who is taking part in the Revolution of Industrialization?

In Germany the concept of Industry 4.0 has taken action fully. They are increasing the correspondence between businesses and customers daily. Due to Germany advancing their business capabilities they have made it possible for manufacturers from all over to have cost reductions, increased safety and the risk to human errors diminished. For other countries to be involved in Industry 4.0 they have to have a close range of manufacturers to educate. This is simply because you need people to rely on more than just a bot to do their job correctly. They need to understand the machines and be able to be innovative when it comes to experiencing the usage of this technology first hand.

Virtual Reality Revolutionizing the Workplace

Virtual Reality is like seeing the world through a controlled state. Yes, everything is as it would be in real life, but you would not have to deal with the trials and tribulations of the real world. On Your text to link… they list four valid reasons virtual reality is revolutionizing the workplace. They are the following: unifying geographically diverse workplaces, creating safe and controlled testing and training environments, reimagining the ‘second-screen’ experience, and acquiring top talent. A lot of places of work have business CEO’s who can’t be in two places at once, so they do video calls. Although these have been successful, using virtual reality would allow for a more in person meeting. When learning new techniques in the work place it can be dangerous due to low staffing or simply because there has not been sufficient practice yet. With virtual technology, this risk for danger is eliminated. The ‘second-screen’ is like doing two things at once. Virtual reality technology can help with the organization of files by applying the second-screen. You would use the VR screen to organize documents and in your peripheral vision, you would manually file the documents. This would make your job a lot simpler and it would also hold your focus, for you can’t grab for your phone or be distracted by too many other things. Lastly there is acquiring top talent. If you are looking for a job, most of the time there is an idea of how to proceed, but all of the detailed work is unknown until the job is yours. With VR future hires can see the workplace and experience the environment before they even start.

What is Elliptic Curve Cryptography?

In recent years, words, terms, and concepts have been introduced into the world’s vernacular that most of us find difficult if not impossible to understand. The explanation of these words and phrases are the future of our society.

Elliptic Curve Cryptography is a compilation of algorithms for encrypting and decrypting data

Cryptocurrency, the blockchain, and cryptography are in their infancy. Physical money is becoming antiquated. Borders between corporations and societies are breaking down. Cryptocurrencies and de-centralized networks will occupy the void left by the end of paper money. Blockchains are recognized by some of the largest enterprises in the world for encryption technology and resistance to intrusion.

The cryptocurrency blockchain requires four indispensable properties when applying a digital signature in transactions.

  • The signer of the transaction must be verifiable.
  • Each signature along the chain cannot be forged.
  • Signatures are deemed final. The signature cannot be associated with any other identity.
  • It should be computationally impossible to procure a private key from a public key.

Quantum computing, although years away from practical application, is perceived as a menace to break any current encryption technology. Cryptocurrencies and the blockchain are choosing a forward-looking sentiment to the computational capability of quantum computers. Algorithms are now branded as quantum-resistant.

Introduction to Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Each block in a blockchain requires a cryptographic key to the preceding block. Other conditions must be satisfied. However, cryptography is the glue that holds the chain together. Digital transactions are growing exponentially.

Elliptic Curve Cryptography is a compilation of algorithms for encrypting and decrypting data. ECC is one of the most formidable and extensively used encrypting methods. An ever-growing list of websites secures customers HTTPS connections on the ECC standard. The ECC encryption method is being utilized by these same websites to interact with their data centers and other corporations.

In 1977, the contemporary era of cryptography began when two new algorithms were proposed, the RSA and Diffie-Hellman. These new designs were radical in their approach. The cryptographic security was based on numbers. Dual_EC_DRBG is the cryptographic standard accepted by the NSA. The function uses elliptic curve mathematics. The process generates a sequence of arbitrary numbers. These numbers start from a seed formed by an algebraic calculation.

Securing Your Digital Signature

There is blistering criticism from cryptographers, acclaimed mathematicians, and security experts. The RSA encryption standard endorsed by the NSA has a backdoor function. The backdoor was revealed by documents provided by former NSA subcontractor Edward Snowden. Many have recommended, not to employ the RSA method.

The ECC method is useful to cryptocurrencies not solely for the size but also the trapdoor function.

Elliptic Curve Cryptography offers compelling improvements over the RSA standard. The most unique being, the key size is considerably smaller than the RSA encryption approach. Also, cryptocurrencies prefer the ECC because of the efficiencies the method provides. The NIST and National Security Agency now uphold the 384-bit ECC encryption model. Both agencies allow top-secret documents to be encrypted with ECC.

The ECC method is useful to cryptocurrencies not solely for the size but also the trapdoor function. This trapdoor is based on the infeasibility of determining a point on an elliptic curve. The approach is Point Multiplication. The operation successively adds a point along an elliptic curve out to infinity. The National Security Agency says it would need a 7680-bit key to solve the ECC method. The NSA has declared it is moving away from the ECC standard to a newer collection of ciphers. These new encryption mechanisms are because of the inevitability of quantum power breaking any type of code.

How Identities are the New Security Perimeter

There is constant news coverage of credit card identities stolen, bank records compromised, and identity theft. Consumers have become jaded to relentless headlines, of our privileged information stolen. Is this the new normal?

Businesses having significant digital footprints are seeing attacks increasing exponentially.

The statistics are shocking. 18% of all healthcare employees are prepared to sell patient data, 24% know of an employee who sold confidential material. Apple employees have been offered as high as $23,000 for privileged access credentials. A staff member at Honeywell, furious at not receiving a raise, was caught selling satellite tracking data. He assumed the client was a Mexican drug cartel, not the DEA.

The dark web is now firmly ingrained as a global marketplace for procuring and selling of privileged credentials. Hackers no longer break into secure digital systems, they log in, allowing for unfettered access to company data.

Digital Companies see cyber-security as a second-tier cost, only to be increased if a threat occurs. Profitable companies usually are cutting cyber-security costs. Government data to big Hollywood studios are seeing their assets being compromised. There must be consistent authentication policies across the corporate landscape, while providing the access employees, customers, and partners need.

Zero Trust Security (ZTS)

Dated security methods are not functioning. Businesses having significant digital footprints are seeing attacks increasing exponentially. The Zero Trust Security protocol ensures every device, login attempt and requested service are being verified through the Next-gen Access initiative. NGA is a digital business application coordinating login and resource request management. The technology recognizes every device and user.

There are four pillars to the ZTS protocol:

  • Never trust anyone, anything and always verify. This fundamental policy requires everyone in the organization to be verified before granting access into the system.
  • Endpoints must be authenticated. Before granting access to the system, the user must log in from a prior trusted device. If not, the login requires a multi-factor authentication.
  • The system grants the user only the access given to them when the account is set up. Company employees are set up on a tiered system. The level of access allowed is fixed. No more, no less.
  • The process is constantly learning. The platform learns user behavior, login attempts, access control, and policy adjustment.

What is the Future of Security for Digital Companies?

William Saito believes there are two types of enterprises in the world. Ones who have been hacked and the ones who do not know they are being hacked. Saito is accepted as a world authority on encryption, biometric authentication, and cyber-security. William Saito reports directly to the prime minister of Japan and sits on the Council for National Strategy.

Companies with large digital footprints must mature.

Companies with large digital footprints must mature. Traditional corporate security is not working. Employees work remotely around the world, logging into a vulnerable network with unrecognized devices. Identity has turned into the new security protocol. Only an individual’s biometrics can be relied upon when logging into a company network.

William Saito believes an all-encompassing strategy must be established now. This strategy must start immediately before it is too late, and users no longer trust any of their screens. Saito says, the internet is expanding quicker than anyone, or any corporation can keep up with. Most security controls are added haphazardly rather than from the ground up.

Unless the issue of trust identity is not dealt with now, the ensuing failure and costs will be massive.

Gender Distribution in Artificial Intelligence Applications

We’ve all heard someone say “robots are going to take over the world.” In a way, technology is being advanced to the point where this is possible. Some may not have noticed, but robots are being used for various different tasks. As time goes on these tasks they are able to perform are becoming more and more advanced. Artificial Intelligence Applications are “bots” such as Siri, Cortana and Alexa that are being introduced to our daily lives. These bots are programs that are designed to behave like a player or person. In order to do this, these bots are made with an autonomous program on a network such as the internet that interacts with computer systems or users. Bots are progressing and are being used for even more technological advances. Now the question is why and how are these bots assigned a gender?

Artificial Intelligence Applications are “bots” such as Siri, Cortana and Alexa that are being introduced to our daily lives.

Female and Male Bots

It is said that male engineering groups typically give female names to the bots they create. This is because the female voice is found to be more calming and that results in a more comfortable connection between a human and a bot. Although they try to say this is false and their bots are not gender specified, gender is shown through the voice, appearance (if shown) and name of the bot. Although a lot of bots are thought to be women, there are a lot of men bots as well and the numbers are closer than many would think. These male bots are mainly seen in movies as robots. Some movies with male bots would be Wall-E, iRobot, and Star Wars just to name a few. This does not exclude female bots from being in movies, such as the movie “Her,” it simply is justifying that male ones are more common.

What are these bots used for?

Almost every smart phone or gaming console is equipped with a bot. Some examples were listed earlier. The most well-known bot would be Siri. Siri is the Apple IPhone bot that assists in calling, texting, setting reminders or alarms and much more. Although Siri seems like a gender neutral name, the voice no matter the accent is a bit more feminine. A noticeably female bot would be Amazon’s Alexa. Alexa is very much like Siri except rather than being on a phone; this bot is its own individual product. Alexa is always listening and answers to what you ask or say. These bots are very useful and resourceful, but there are bots being created to be used for tasks that are even further advanced. Some things they are now being used for are: Self-driving cars, assistants and customer service. The most well-known advancement would probably be customer service. Everyone has seen how store after store is becoming equipped with self-checkout stations. These stations (that are operated by bots) are taking the jobs of human beings but are part of developing a better technology filled future. Having these bot controlled check out stations and virtual assistants has helped lead to the development of self-driving cars. So when they say robots are taking over the world they are pretty accurate.


VMWare is the first company that was able to virtualization the most popular Microsoft server functions, and the company is a part of the Dell Computer group at this time. They have their campus in Pall Alto not all that far form the other companies in Silicon Valley, and they were founded out of Berkeley as were many other companies on the list of the finest server and storage firms in the history of computers. This company was able to push ahead the virtualization of the servers that are used to this day, and they were acquired by Dell because they had more potential than any other company on the market at the time of the purchase. This company has made the server market far more functional, and they have built a company that is innovating every day in a server market that offers more options than ever before.

VMWare is the first company that was able to virtualization the most popular Microsoft server functions, and the company is a part of the Dell Computer group at this time.

How Did They Start?

The company was working in secret for its first year, and they were able to launch in the second year with the VM Workstation wish was their first operating system and storage product. They were working on new interfaces of similar systems that they had seen across the market, and they provided their customers with products that insured they could virtualization as they expanded their storage and operating needs. The company quickly moved into servers, and they continued to expand their offerings every since. They build server products that ensure the security of their clients, and they allow for quick expansion through he virtual servers that will multiply their space.

Virtualized Hardware

The company has hypervisors which act as the virtual versions of the servers that they have developed. They allow their clients to use the servers without any need for hardware, and they have drastically changed how someone will approach the storage fo their data. They have cut out the overhead that many companies must pay for, and they have ensured that all their clients have more options to improve and expand their operations. They do have an open source program that they allow their clients to use, but they operate mostly through products that they sell direct to customers. Someone who has purchased from the VMWare family of companies will find that they may make virtual changes to their products, and they will have all the storage space they need. It is far simpler to function as a business owner or computer developer when the servers made by VMWare are offering virtually expanding storage that may be changed at any time. They have improved how companies store their data, and they ensure that they give a virtual experience that cuts out the need for hardware.

No More Messing Around with Passwords

36% of the world’s population has access to a smartphone. This figure represents approximately 2 billion users, and ownership is flourishing. Consider, each user may have at least one account they log into, such as email. Add three, five or 10 accounts, and you start to realize the issue.

Companies have done a great job protecting initial access to your phone, such as Facial and fingerprint scanning. However, what takes place once you are logged in? The modern smartphone platform is more than just a phone. For some, it is their bread and butter. Without their device, they would lose business contacts, bank accounts, and current news. Few users do a satisfactory job of backing up data on their smartphones.

It has become essential to every smartphone user to go above and beyond traditional methods to protect their data.

Hackers work overtime to gain access to your phone and home computer. With each new software update, devious computer science engineers immediately work to circumvent the system. Blue-chip computer scientists see the future of smartphone security as hardware isolation. The operating system, apps, and alternative components are merely a pass-through to where true credentials are locked away, the hardware.

Future of Smartphone Security

The issue of protecting your smartphone is immense. Biometric scanning is doing an outstanding job of individual access. Millions of smartphone users rely exclusively on password managers and other apps to secure their most crucial information. Homeowners use their phone to manage home lighting, appliances, and more importantly home security.

Think-tanks around the world are scrutinizing these issues from a global perspective. Big players in technology are constantly looking for platforms that secure your phone, bank accounts and also remember to turn off the lights. Home integrations with smartphone technology are a vast global market; it is also very fragmented. AI (artificial intelligence) continues to be adopted into the devices we use every day and voice control is predicted to bring all these technologies under one umbrella.

Identifying threats has become more difficult. Malicious software is being cloaked in useful apps, and users are completely unaware or incapable of dealing with these risks. It has become essential to every smartphone user to go above and beyond traditional methods to protect their data.


One such company at the cutting edge of smartphone security is ReCRED (Real-world Identities to Privacy-preserving and Attribute-based CREDentials). The platform seeks to eliminate the need for passwords or pins to log into each of the services we use. The unique approach, developed by a global team of scientists, wants to link all accounts to a specific biometric identity.

One such company at the cutting edge of smartphone security is ReCRED (Real-world Identities to Privacy-preserving and Attribute-based CREDentials).

Password overload affects us all. Advancing the usability of smartphones is the principal goal of firms such as ReCRED. The system is based on individual smartphones and their users. The architecture uses each cell-phone as a proxy. Meaning, your phone is an intermediary to all the accounts you use. ReCRED and comparable companies seek to be the lone point of login for your digital world. With this model, the user grants explicit rights to manage the security of your phone. ReCRED attempts to limit access across the platform such as email. Verifying your email would no longer be allowed because too much of the user’s identity would be disclosed.

Most experts regard the hardware isolation model as the only correct approach to withstand the increasing threat of attacks and data vulnerabilities. Separating data and computational processes within hardware containers is the only way to make your smartphone impervious to attack.

New: Interbots

Interbots or IBC is a messaging channel that consists of bots communicating with other bots. They are introducing a new and extremely cool way of communicating. There can be an interbot for nearly everything, which will be described later on. They can almost be thought of as a more high tech google translate. They allow for you to use systems that are based in other countries or systems that do not directly use your language. They can also simply be used for normal communications between businesses and companies. Interbots have more than likely been used by a majority of people. Whenever one simply types in a question on a foreign site, or a site that uses a different language, these language-interbots are being used. These various interbots communicate through the InterBot Console, which helps translate communications to complete the tasks set at hand.

Whenever one simply types in a question on a foreign site, or a site that uses a different language, these language-interbots are being used.

How do Interbots Work?

For example, let’s say there is a shopping bot. This shopping bot understands English and communicates with customers in English. If one is more comfortable speaking German, then they would build a German shopping bot. This German shopping bot would communicate with the English shopping bot in order to translate the conversation. This interaction consists of three bots, the shopping bot, English bot and German bot, communicating with each other to make your experience more efficient. In this scenario you would use the following in the InterBot Console: @shoppingbot + @eng2gerbot / @germanshoppingbot / @ger2engbot. This is telling the console to translate what they are saying from English to German. Once it is translated to German, and there is a response, the system receives the response that is translated back to English. This then turns into a recurring pattern until the conversation is done.

How are Interbots Useful?

Interbots are of extremely great use. They make customer interactions with businesses a lot easier. Interbots are also used for various other things. These things include flights, hotels, taxi, cafés, assistants and much more. Interbots can communicate with flights and hotels. They do this by combining the services of the booked flight with the hotel. How this works is when you choose a flight, the “flight bot” will communicate with the “hotel bot” and it will provide you with hotels that are available at the time your flight arrives. This can also be done vice versa. The “hotel bot” can communicate with the “flight bot” to find a flight by the time your hotel reservation expires. This also applies to the taxi and café. The “taxi bot” will communicate with the “café bot” and your coffee will be ready by the time your taxi arrives to the café. As for the virtual assistant, this bot would come in handy the most. These “personal assistant bots” can do anything from take notes to schedule meetings. This innovative technology is a true way of simplifying life while also introducing new and exciting technology. Knowing that this is only the beginning one can only imaging the lengths interbots will be taken to in the future.